Monday, February 22, 2010

Lair of the Worm and 100th Post.

So my friend Kevin Mayle was talking to me about a cover he is about to start working on and after my hand was just about to fall off after practicing tonight, a thought popped into my mind. Well even though I was heading back into my room to put up the guitar, I just had to go with it. See he is about to start doing something or other, might not even be art. Its hard to tell cause I am usually tuning him out and thinking of other more important things like M.C. Hammer's pants and why they ever went out of style. Anyway, for some reason a purple worm came to mind... hmmm, maybe I invented the whole concept of the purple worm.. No I am thinking of the Getto-Thang. In Any case I spent a little while longer just throwing down a few ideas for a song about the purple worm and decided the title would be Lair of the Worm. Below is a little brainstorming. Remember that I still suck at guitar, so this will be a long work in progress, but I already like where it is going, so who knows.

Now back to my earlier thought. Why did Hammers pants go out of style?

Oh Yeah, That's why.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm painting a purple worm, but it's a website header, not a book cover.
I got 15 minutes into it tonight and fell to the side, lapsing into a coma.
The guitar thing...
Oh, and what was up with the overlapping fade out and in at the end that sounded like a second guitarist had to take over for the final 15 seconds and couldn't wait his turn?

Anonymous said...

This is post #98, not 100. You counted February 2010 twice.

Unknown said...

I didn't count anything twice, you should learn how to count before you come in telling me what I did. As far as all your questions and concerns about the brainstorming, let me cut and paste from the actual blog post.

"I spent a little while longer just throwing down a few ideas for a song about the purple worm and decided the title would be Lair of the Worm. Below is a little brainstorming."

Brainstorming would suggest that what you are about to listen to is just a bunch of "Ideas" as I build towards something coherent. But it might help if in the future you actually read the post before you post a response.

And if you think this is monotonous maybe I should have posted the entire half an hour instead of just the parts I wanted to expand upon to really give you something to whine about.

Anonymous said...

Hey, your blog looks different today.