Ended up cleaning and rearranging my den today so didn't get to as much sketching as I wanted, but here are a few sketches to show my progress through the Structure of Man. Jury is still out on how I like this one. The method seems to appeal to me, but Riven is a bit on the dry side when it comes to speaking. Especially when you have to watch the videos several times to get the formulas down that he is teaching. Anyway, I am able to do the side completely from memory now, so tomorrow I will work on the front and continue to the more simplified methods.
OK, it's time to see your versions of Fat Ninja and Biff Corbit & Dug!
When you finish a Biff Ninja or Fat Dug, then you can come here and be impatient. Otherwise, let me learn to draw again and GET OFF MY BACK!
Just for that, I'm going to do it!
But a slight variation.
Fat Biff and Dug Ninja.
You just do that. When the book is finished, then I might actually buy it.
If you go to my blog you can see that I've started the comic and I added a few breakdowns to show you the skeleton and such.
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