Saturday, May 15, 2010

tarting a new project just for practice and thought I would also stretch my Photoshop skill in painting a bit. Hopefully it doesn't come out like complete crap because I am going to attempt to do a body, but what the hell. You gotta start somewhere right. anyway. Here was my beginning progress last night.

First a plate for the background.

And starting to layout the character for the foreground. This may take me all weekend alone as I needs a lot of practice for full figures.


Kevin Mayle said...

Alright, it's been 9 days. What comes next?

Unknown said...

Beating you about the mouth and nose till it swells shut.

Kevin Mayle said...

"It" being the mouth or nose?

Unknown said...

preferably both.

Kevin Mayle said...

Then the word you were looking for was "they".

Unknown said...

No, "it" referred to your face. It was inferred by the context, but I guess if you need to be a stickler just for the sake of being an ass. Then yes, you are right.

Hows this?

Next, I will be beating you about the face till it swells shut and you suffocate and die (One can only dream).

Unknown said...

Hmmm. No I still left it open for interpretation as a face doesn't really shut...

How about I keep it simple.

"I hope you die now."

Yeah, I like that one. Lets leave it at that.

Kevin Mayle said...

I like the idea of a face actually swelling shut. That would be awesome.

Kevin Mayle said...

Is English your second language?
"It was inferred by the context, but I guess if you need to be a stickler just for the sake of being an ass."
Is not a complete sentence.
It should have went like this:
"It was inferred by the context, but I guess if you need to be a stickler just for the sake of being an ass, then yes, you are right."
"preferably both." should have been, "Preferably both."
"Hows this?" should have been, "How's this?"
"Lets leave it at that." should have been, "Let's leave it at that."

Unknown said...

Dammit! Your response means you are still alive.

Unknown said...

And do you feel better now? Does that give you the needed boost to get through your true feelings of inadequacy for the rest of the day?

Kevin Mayle said...
