Friday, June 18, 2010


After wasting about half an hour on G4 watching the crappiest games of the year I decided to head on over to YouTube and look for some games that actually look like they are worth a crap. Amazingly enough I found a few. Here they are in no particular order.

The Force Unleashed 2

Oh heck yeah - Can't wait for this one. First one was one of my all time favorite games!

Portal 2

Another one of my favorites gets a sequel!

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Not sure how excited I am for a MMORPG, but this trailer kick ass!


I really liked the original, so I'll probably give this one another shot.

Transformers War for Cybertron

Something about this trailer that makes me want to run out and buy this next week.

And that is about it. Wow, 5 games is it? And only one of them am I really looking forward to. Good thing there are a thousand and one great movies coming out this year I guess.

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