Friday, April 30, 2010

So much to do, so little sleep.

So along with playing the guitar and learning Objective C I am also back at drawing again. Starting with the head, here are some sketches from tonight. In time I will post every drawing I do, but for now, I will refrain from posting thousands of skeletons as I get familiar with the human form.  I fond it funny that my first drawing is usually my best, and then they get worse from there. Can you guess the progression of the images here?

Also of note is two new artists that I found that I really like. I am creating a list of all of them on the blog which I am redesigning now that blogger has so many great templates out there.


Anonymous said...

If you actually drew "THOUSANDS" of skeletons, I'd love to see it.

Unknown said...

No you wouldn't. You would be much more interested in all the versions of your characters I was churning out.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes! Very much so!